The nature of engagement. After World War II. The word is a new Cold War. Made before the war ended. And called later to describe the tensions between the countries.Or between groups run continuously. Without arm up against. Because if the weapons.Situation will change. War is hot (hot war), which will have wider scope and cause great harm to humanity. Methods most commonly used in the Cold War. What is propaganda.Psychological warfare The force of competition. And the creation of their popular religion. In a small country. That could be integrated into the national family of each party.
From Cold War period. To be in the modern diplomatic crisis in the mid-and late 1947 when the United States and the Soviet Union, a political organization established peace in Turkey Eastern Europe and Germany. The United States began to realize that is their duty. The leader must resist Plans of the Soviet Union captured the world. Communist party leaders.
The status of the divided countries in the Cold War.
1) superpowers (Big Powers) were developed countries. Means that countries with industrial development. The obligation to bring civilization to the public that the country lagged behind. All the creation of a new imperialism in the 19th century is to hunt and capture the city in the country in colonial Africa and Asia. The purpose of insights into the demand for dump Want cheap labor. And local resources to be utilized in their industry.
2) least-developed countries. (Underdeveloped Countries) is a country with no industrial development. Or a low level of development. These countries have lagged behind in technology. The country as a dependent (dependent) and the colonial encounters of the leg Optical West Most of the countries in Asia and Africa.
3) superpower country (Super Powers) is a country that appears to focus more. Western powers instead. After World War II. There is a country style continental (Continental Character) has developed advanced technology. Political leaders and parties are parties free world and Communist parties.
Cold War period.
1) AD 1947-1949 as a period of tension between the superpower confrontation. But did not declare war or use force. Sorenstam announced plans True Man (Truman Doctrine) on 12 March 1947 with the ratification of the Marshall Plan. For the reconstruction of Europe (The Marshall Plan) the expansion of Soviet influence in Eastern Europe And separation of Germany and so on.
2) AD 1950-1960. Periodically the People's Republic of China to play a role in international circles the city. Many crisis. Such as the Korean War. Vietnam War and the invasion of China, Tibet and so on.
3) the 1960s, a period of peaceful coexistence (Peaceful Co-existence) is to build a relationship, not confrontation. This is the policy of Mr. Nikita Education software, causing a shot thought the breach between the Soviet Union, People's Republic of China
4) 1970, a decade-term relaxation of tension (Detente) is split between two power poles Democratic camp. The United States and Communist Soviet Union confronted each other on. Communist China has added to the terminal. From the visit to China by President Richard. Nixon's visit to the United States visited China, 1972, 1973, the Soviet Union and later the president Bed In those flavor of the Soviet Union. I visited the United States. 5) AD 1985-1991, Mr. Gore Sakai, Min Bath Beach Lofts (Mikhail Gorbachev) of the policy posted a message Eer Son - a Troy check Perez. (Glasnost-Perestroika) or a policy on - fine. (Openness-reconstructuring) and political economy of the Soviet Union in 1989 to begin the destruction of the Berlin Wall. And East and West Germany can be successfully included in the Baltic countries ใnc.s. 1990-91 (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) was asked to separate from the Soviet Union.
Mr. Min Sakai Gore Ba Shaw stated, the presidential election from the council Rather than appointed. The Communist Party of the past. A summit in Washington. United States as the Cold War ended. But the coup in 1991, opening the way for Mr. Boris. Sin celebrated Yale post as to quell rebellion. And prepare a set of Independent States.(Commonwealth of Independent States) in December. President of North Shore bar software resigned president of the Soviet Union. Terminate the existence of the Soviet Union. The United States is still the world's only superpower national leaders only And considered by the Cold War ended.
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency): U.S. intelligence.
Is an organization formed in 1947 by the National Security Law (National Security Act) to replace Service Strategy (Office of Strategic Services: OSS) established during the Second World War. In addition to seeking news then. It has also intervened in the internal affairs of other countries. Make up the items Wikipedia dub in the 1960s and 1970s, with America involved in the event invade Bay Village (Bay of Pigs) on Cuba, and Chile era Allen de (Allende's regime), and Nicaragua contemporary rebel somewhat anti-communist government in Sun. The New Star.
KGB: KGB: Security Unit. And units of the Russian intelligence. As a committee for national security, the Soviet Union 1953, descended from the NKVD * responsible for the sabotage abroad. Anti-intelligence within the country. Crime prevention and suppression of all types within the country. Chairman of the Committee on the Species The sound is much the Hydro Corporation Yuri software (AD 1967-82) that have become national leaders between AD 1982-84.
(NKVD: People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs) is the unit intelligence Update from the unit was OGPU in 1934 AD is an important tool that Stalin used to operating between 1934-38 AD to be updated in 1946 by Maria B. (Beria) total collapse. with MVD and MVD (Ministry of Internal Affairs) police control over the country.Concentration camp prisoners, while the administration (MGBMinistry of State Security) to oversee the police in countries subject. And eliminate the anti-Communist philosophy and all forms. When Maria Bed crippled NKVD was integrated into the KGB (K = Komitet, G = Gosudarstvennoi, B = Bezopasnosti).
Khmer Rouge (Red Cambodians): Khmer Rouge.
Communism is the most popular groups in Cambodia After Ho Chi Minh founded the Indochina Communist Party 1930, the party is well known among young Cambodian Mark cis-time during the Second World War. "They text Mer Minh" (Khmer Minh) coordinate closely with Ho Chi Minh to oppose the occupation of Japan. Finally, a set"The Communist Party of Cambodia" (Communist Party of Cambodia) in 1960, Mr. Paul Pot in 1963, the Secretariat had been involved in the establishment of guerrilla units. And grower. Has been nicknamed the Khmer Rouge. The coup took place in Siem Reap, 1967 suppressed by Sihanouk. (Prime Minister at that time was general wavy methanol) to the death of tens of thousands of people of their young Cambodian army Cambodian revolution. Formed as the main forces to the civil war between 1968-75 AD forces as partners. With both Vietnam and the NLF of South Vietnam and logistics support through the route to Ho Chi Minh City. To March, 1969 the Khmer Rouge began attacking. (Based on the Palm with rice blast) and the action taken at the same Saigon. Their remaining Khmer Rouge forces in joint efforts, 1975 was finally able to capture Phnom Penh. Paul Pot government between AD 1975-9 prepared to use barbaric methods. A socialist economic system to improve self-reliance. Those that do make a living in the capital city to work off some Cambodian parties and eventually Vietnam. Behind invaded Phnom Penh in the Khmer Rouge, 1979 they slipped out onto the Thai border with Cambodia To cooperate with the department you Sihanouk in Cambodia, the 1982 establishment of coalition military government Works (Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea: CGDK) in 1990, the U.S. help stop the Khmer Rouge. And China, they end with assistance. Khmer Rouge to fight alone. Through December, so send a representative to attend the meeting and the Paris International Conference on Cambodia, Vietnam, decided to withdraw troops from Cambodia in 1992.
Berlin airlift (and blockade): Air Transport in Berlin (and blockage).
A political crisis after World War II from the agreement. Between the United States, Soviet Union, Britain, France, in a meeting at Royal Star (Yalta Conference) and a spot Adam (Potsdam Conference), Germany, and Berlin is divided into four occupation zone with executives trying to manage with Allies. Democracy and development. While the Soviet Union on the Communist regime. In March 1948 the United States, English, French currency reform. For economic recovery that has returned to the Soviet Union is damaged. Because people in Germany. East Berlin and want a change in some of their own and do it.
The Soviet Union managed to block the blockade of Berlin on 19 June 1948 until mid-May 1949 is a test of the three partner countries. Western Division try to avoid the use of force. The proposed implementation on UN Transport aircraft and consumer goodsSent to residents of West Berlin at all times blockage 11 months, pilots flying the United States, Britain and France have sent the total weight of 277,728 flights. 2,343,301 tons, with good cooperation of the people of Berlin West Soviet party would not otherwise have the violence. It is also not assured of their full capacity. But it has let the conflict continues. And must be divided from each county. Is the occupation of the western powers. Establishment of the Federal Republic of Germany (Federal Republic of Germany), or West Germany on 23 May 1949 the Soviet Union was declared the occupation of their zoning. The Democratic Republic of Germany (German Democratic Republic), or East Germany, on 7 October 1949.
Berlin Wall: Berlin Wall. The wall caused by the effects of World War II. Has a phobiaAnd damage to people around the world. The difference does not want to see the destruction in the same way again. Has the power to meet the national leader Sir Winston Churchill, Franklin D Mr. holes Travel Ltd. and Joseph. Stalin the Royal City Star Crimea in February 2488 to discuss the problem be the future Europe Travel holes out to the U.S. with the Soviet Union proposed maintaining the peace treaty. Made during the war to maintain peace through the United Nations.
Offers Travel out of holes remains unclear, and other major powers. Especially the French do not want to perform in accordance with Also confirmed that the occupation of Germany by 1944, including deals to Berlin with the zoning. The other matter relating to the future of Germany. France does not want to negotiate until the next meeting. The Soviet Union confirmed that it should be OK. Revival in Germany soon. And care for different countries. In Eastern Europe The Japanese claim to damages. The delivery of land occupied by the Soviet Union as soon as possible.
Eventually have a new meeting spot a city Adams in July. And August, which can be agreed upon only one thing. Is that the major powers share occupied Germany and Berlin.
Later, between AD 1949-60 has happened to East Germany. Want to emigrate to West Germany. This is a grand economic recovery. Citizens of East Germany workers want to go and live in a society where the late communist society. East German government blocked it. Using a wire fence with a brick on January 13, 1961, and later added strength. By creating a large wall made of concrete. Trench digging into the tower and watching people. Trying to escape a long distance to 100 miles around the west side.Of West Berlin. West Berlin with the same condition. The island's capitalist Surrounding land communist A shame that the wall shows the failure of communism. Can not make people happy.
The detention block is like being with "iron curtain" between AD 1961-89 has more than 10,000 East Germans who fled to. But the other half was arrested. With those who were killed while fleeing a rate of about 200 people, but a number of surveys have found that the deaths of 350 people fit in 1989 during the wave of economic change and democratic governance. Spread throughout the land of communism The East German government must be willing to destroy the Berlin Wall on November 9 East Germans flock to travel to West Berlin. Marks the beginning of Germany's successful integration within one year An event that coincides with the end of the power of the communist government. In many countries in Eastern Europe
From Cold War period. To be in the modern diplomatic crisis in the mid-and late 1947 when the United States and the Soviet Union, a political organization established peace in Turkey Eastern Europe and Germany. The United States began to realize that is their duty. The leader must resist Plans of the Soviet Union captured the world. Communist party leaders.
The status of the divided countries in the Cold War.
1) superpowers (Big Powers) were developed countries. Means that countries with industrial development. The obligation to bring civilization to the public that the country lagged behind. All the creation of a new imperialism in the 19th century is to hunt and capture the city in the country in colonial Africa and Asia. The purpose of insights into the demand for dump Want cheap labor. And local resources to be utilized in their industry.
2) least-developed countries. (Underdeveloped Countries) is a country with no industrial development. Or a low level of development. These countries have lagged behind in technology. The country as a dependent (dependent) and the colonial encounters of the leg Optical West Most of the countries in Asia and Africa.
3) superpower country (Super Powers) is a country that appears to focus more. Western powers instead. After World War II. There is a country style continental (Continental Character) has developed advanced technology. Political leaders and parties are parties free world and Communist parties.
Cold War period.
1) AD 1947-1949 as a period of tension between the superpower confrontation. But did not declare war or use force. Sorenstam announced plans True Man (Truman Doctrine) on 12 March 1947 with the ratification of the Marshall Plan. For the reconstruction of Europe (The Marshall Plan) the expansion of Soviet influence in Eastern Europe And separation of Germany and so on.
2) AD 1950-1960. Periodically the People's Republic of China to play a role in international circles the city. Many crisis. Such as the Korean War. Vietnam War and the invasion of China, Tibet and so on.
3) the 1960s, a period of peaceful coexistence (Peaceful Co-existence) is to build a relationship, not confrontation. This is the policy of Mr. Nikita Education software, causing a shot thought the breach between the Soviet Union, People's Republic of China
4) 1970, a decade-term relaxation of tension (Detente) is split between two power poles Democratic camp. The United States and Communist Soviet Union confronted each other on. Communist China has added to the terminal. From the visit to China by President Richard. Nixon's visit to the United States visited China, 1972, 1973, the Soviet Union and later the president Bed In those flavor of the Soviet Union. I visited the United States. 5) AD 1985-1991, Mr. Gore Sakai, Min Bath Beach Lofts (Mikhail Gorbachev) of the policy posted a message Eer Son - a Troy check Perez. (Glasnost-Perestroika) or a policy on - fine. (Openness-reconstructuring) and political economy of the Soviet Union in 1989 to begin the destruction of the Berlin Wall. And East and West Germany can be successfully included in the Baltic countries ใnc.s. 1990-91 (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) was asked to separate from the Soviet Union.
Mr. Min Sakai Gore Ba Shaw stated, the presidential election from the council Rather than appointed. The Communist Party of the past. A summit in Washington. United States as the Cold War ended. But the coup in 1991, opening the way for Mr. Boris. Sin celebrated Yale post as to quell rebellion. And prepare a set of Independent States.(Commonwealth of Independent States) in December. President of North Shore bar software resigned president of the Soviet Union. Terminate the existence of the Soviet Union. The United States is still the world's only superpower national leaders only And considered by the Cold War ended.
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency): U.S. intelligence.
Is an organization formed in 1947 by the National Security Law (National Security Act) to replace Service Strategy (Office of Strategic Services: OSS) established during the Second World War. In addition to seeking news then. It has also intervened in the internal affairs of other countries. Make up the items Wikipedia dub in the 1960s and 1970s, with America involved in the event invade Bay Village (Bay of Pigs) on Cuba, and Chile era Allen de (Allende's regime), and Nicaragua contemporary rebel somewhat anti-communist government in Sun. The New Star.
KGB: KGB: Security Unit. And units of the Russian intelligence. As a committee for national security, the Soviet Union 1953, descended from the NKVD * responsible for the sabotage abroad. Anti-intelligence within the country. Crime prevention and suppression of all types within the country. Chairman of the Committee on the Species The sound is much the Hydro Corporation Yuri software (AD 1967-82) that have become national leaders between AD 1982-84.
(NKVD: People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs) is the unit intelligence Update from the unit was OGPU in 1934 AD is an important tool that Stalin used to operating between 1934-38 AD to be updated in 1946 by Maria B. (Beria) total collapse. with MVD and MVD (Ministry of Internal Affairs) police control over the country.Concentration camp prisoners, while the administration (MGBMinistry of State Security) to oversee the police in countries subject. And eliminate the anti-Communist philosophy and all forms. When Maria Bed crippled NKVD was integrated into the KGB (K = Komitet, G = Gosudarstvennoi, B = Bezopasnosti).
Khmer Rouge (Red Cambodians): Khmer Rouge.
Communism is the most popular groups in Cambodia After Ho Chi Minh founded the Indochina Communist Party 1930, the party is well known among young Cambodian Mark cis-time during the Second World War. "They text Mer Minh" (Khmer Minh) coordinate closely with Ho Chi Minh to oppose the occupation of Japan. Finally, a set"The Communist Party of Cambodia" (Communist Party of Cambodia) in 1960, Mr. Paul Pot in 1963, the Secretariat had been involved in the establishment of guerrilla units. And grower. Has been nicknamed the Khmer Rouge. The coup took place in Siem Reap, 1967 suppressed by Sihanouk. (Prime Minister at that time was general wavy methanol) to the death of tens of thousands of people of their young Cambodian army Cambodian revolution. Formed as the main forces to the civil war between 1968-75 AD forces as partners. With both Vietnam and the NLF of South Vietnam and logistics support through the route to Ho Chi Minh City. To March, 1969 the Khmer Rouge began attacking. (Based on the Palm with rice blast) and the action taken at the same Saigon. Their remaining Khmer Rouge forces in joint efforts, 1975 was finally able to capture Phnom Penh. Paul Pot government between AD 1975-9 prepared to use barbaric methods. A socialist economic system to improve self-reliance. Those that do make a living in the capital city to work off some Cambodian parties and eventually Vietnam. Behind invaded Phnom Penh in the Khmer Rouge, 1979 they slipped out onto the Thai border with Cambodia To cooperate with the department you Sihanouk in Cambodia, the 1982 establishment of coalition military government Works (Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea: CGDK) in 1990, the U.S. help stop the Khmer Rouge. And China, they end with assistance. Khmer Rouge to fight alone. Through December, so send a representative to attend the meeting and the Paris International Conference on Cambodia, Vietnam, decided to withdraw troops from Cambodia in 1992.
Berlin airlift (and blockade): Air Transport in Berlin (and blockage).
A political crisis after World War II from the agreement. Between the United States, Soviet Union, Britain, France, in a meeting at Royal Star (Yalta Conference) and a spot Adam (Potsdam Conference), Germany, and Berlin is divided into four occupation zone with executives trying to manage with Allies. Democracy and development. While the Soviet Union on the Communist regime. In March 1948 the United States, English, French currency reform. For economic recovery that has returned to the Soviet Union is damaged. Because people in Germany. East Berlin and want a change in some of their own and do it.
The Soviet Union managed to block the blockade of Berlin on 19 June 1948 until mid-May 1949 is a test of the three partner countries. Western Division try to avoid the use of force. The proposed implementation on UN Transport aircraft and consumer goodsSent to residents of West Berlin at all times blockage 11 months, pilots flying the United States, Britain and France have sent the total weight of 277,728 flights. 2,343,301 tons, with good cooperation of the people of Berlin West Soviet party would not otherwise have the violence. It is also not assured of their full capacity. But it has let the conflict continues. And must be divided from each county. Is the occupation of the western powers. Establishment of the Federal Republic of Germany (Federal Republic of Germany), or West Germany on 23 May 1949 the Soviet Union was declared the occupation of their zoning. The Democratic Republic of Germany (German Democratic Republic), or East Germany, on 7 October 1949.
Berlin Wall: Berlin Wall. The wall caused by the effects of World War II. Has a phobiaAnd damage to people around the world. The difference does not want to see the destruction in the same way again. Has the power to meet the national leader Sir Winston Churchill, Franklin D Mr. holes Travel Ltd. and Joseph. Stalin the Royal City Star Crimea in February 2488 to discuss the problem be the future Europe Travel holes out to the U.S. with the Soviet Union proposed maintaining the peace treaty. Made during the war to maintain peace through the United Nations.
Offers Travel out of holes remains unclear, and other major powers. Especially the French do not want to perform in accordance with Also confirmed that the occupation of Germany by 1944, including deals to Berlin with the zoning. The other matter relating to the future of Germany. France does not want to negotiate until the next meeting. The Soviet Union confirmed that it should be OK. Revival in Germany soon. And care for different countries. In Eastern Europe The Japanese claim to damages. The delivery of land occupied by the Soviet Union as soon as possible.
Eventually have a new meeting spot a city Adams in July. And August, which can be agreed upon only one thing. Is that the major powers share occupied Germany and Berlin.
Later, between AD 1949-60 has happened to East Germany. Want to emigrate to West Germany. This is a grand economic recovery. Citizens of East Germany workers want to go and live in a society where the late communist society. East German government blocked it. Using a wire fence with a brick on January 13, 1961, and later added strength. By creating a large wall made of concrete. Trench digging into the tower and watching people. Trying to escape a long distance to 100 miles around the west side.Of West Berlin. West Berlin with the same condition. The island's capitalist Surrounding land communist A shame that the wall shows the failure of communism. Can not make people happy.
The detention block is like being with "iron curtain" between AD 1961-89 has more than 10,000 East Germans who fled to. But the other half was arrested. With those who were killed while fleeing a rate of about 200 people, but a number of surveys have found that the deaths of 350 people fit in 1989 during the wave of economic change and democratic governance. Spread throughout the land of communism The East German government must be willing to destroy the Berlin Wall on November 9 East Germans flock to travel to West Berlin. Marks the beginning of Germany's successful integration within one year An event that coincides with the end of the power of the communist government. In many countries in Eastern Europe
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